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Modern Slavery Policy

Established in October 1990, Broadberry Data Systems Limited is located in Perivale, Middlesex, UK and specialises in the marketing of leading-edge products for high-end desktop and server environments. Broadberry Data Systems Ltd. have a global annual turnover of £14m.

Our policies on slavery and human trafficking

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

In light of the obligation to report on measures to ensure that all parts of our business and supply chain are slavery free we have put in place a designated Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy.

Our workplace policies and procedures demonstrate our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chains.

Due diligence processes for slavery and human trafficking

As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate risk we have in place systems to:

  • Identify and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains.
  • Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains.
  • Monitor potential risk areas in our supply chains.
  • Protect whistle blowers.

Supplier adherence to our values

We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors comply with our values we have in place a supply chain compliance programme.

The company fully intends to review all existing and future agreements and dealings with suppliers to ensure compliance with anti-slavery measures.

We have a dedicated compliance team, which consists of representatives from the following departments:

  • Audit and compliance
  • Human resources
  • Procurement
  • Sales

The compliance team is led by Bryn Downing (Audit & Compliance Manager).

Our Supply Chains

We are either actively carrying out or intend to carry out supply chain mapping process and risk assessment/analysis of our suppliers.


To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to our staff. We also will require our business partners to provide training to their staff and suppliers and providers.

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Our Effectiveness in Combating Slavery and Human Trafficking

We have appointed an independent third party (British Assessment Bureau) to conduct an externally facilitated review to bring insights on ways we can tackle slavery and human trafficking. British Assessment Bureau uses various KPI's to assess how effective we have been in ensuring that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in any part of our business or supply chain. 

Further steps

Following a review of the effectiveness of the steps we have taken to ensure that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains we intend to take the following further steps to combat slavery and human trafficking:

  • Policy development
  • Human rights due diligence
  • External and internal consultation
  • Procedures for reporting suspected and identified slavery and forced labour
  • Promptly correct any information found to be incorrect.

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Broadberry Celebrating Over 30 Years.

Engineer performing test.Notre Procédure de Tests rigoureuse

Avant de quitter nos ateliers, toutes les solutions de serveur et de stockage Broadberry sont soumises à une procédure de test rigoureuse de 48 heures. Ceci, associé à un choix de composants de haute qualité, garantit que toutes nos serveurs et solutions de stockage répondent aux normes de qualité les plus strictes qui nous sont imposées.

Broadberry professional.Une Flexibilité Inégalée

Notre principal objectif est d'offrir des serveurs et des solutions de stockage de la plus haute qualité. Nous comprenons que chaque entreprise a des exigences différentes et sommes en mesure d'offrir une flexibilité inégalée dans la personnalisation et la conception de serveurs et de solutions de stockage.

Les Plus Grandes Marques nous font Confiance

Nous nous sommes imposés comme un incontournable fournisseur de stockage en Europe et fournissons depuis 1989 nos solutions de serveurs et de stockage aux plus grandes marques mondiales. Quelques exemples de clients :

NASA, BBC, ITV, SONY, SKY, Disney, Google logos.